Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Blog Redesign and Oh My God I hate HTML

In every effort to push the most traumatizing blog post in history off the front page, I decided to write about the new site design and to see how many out of the 0 people that read this blog actually like it, along with cats pushing water melons out of lakes.

So, for better or for worse? Well, I've wrestled with HTML for long enough now to not change something about the design. Granted, I am a programmer, but web design is something I officially hate. Maybe it's because I'm not using a dedictaed program and simply hardcoding everything, still, I hate it.

Anyways, I know not many will respond to this because, well, there is nobody reading to respond to this, but I'd still like some feedback. Even if you're a internet wanderer who happened to stumble across this lonely blog looking for cake-baking tips (you'd be surprised how much traffic I get from search terms like "pound cake recipes"). Either way, I'm curious.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Chinese Pharmaceuticals Selling Energy Pills Made from Dead Babies

Look at the puppies, because you're about to get really depressed.

I simply cannot joke about this. It's wrong. It is the most disgusting and unethical news I've heard in a very long time, only worsened by the absence of pictures and actual stories. You are not going to like what you're about to read, you have been warned.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Sub Vs. Dub - Episode 1: Dub Fanaticism

Don't judge, you know you'd hit that. I know I would -  in the face.

I hereby dub (ZING!) this post the most nerdiest collection of words I have ever written, ever. If there are any girls reading this, I know you all have highly sex-giving opinions of me, so for your own heart-breaking safety please stop reading now.

 Okay, so with the horde of extremely hot Jessica Alba resembling women who frequently visit this immensely popular blog no longer reading, I can continue.

A discussion common among many of my anime-watching friends is the classic subbed vs dubbed debate. What is the best way to watch anime? In English or Japanese? Well, here at Pound Cake Central, we (me) aim to solve (or at least fail at solving) this issue once and for all. Lets start off with the history behind this epic nerd-war.

Friday, 12 August 2011

The Soon-To-Be Blank Bestsellers

During my non self-fornicating alone time, I stumbled across an interesting article about a guy named Sheridan Simove who, *ahem* “wrote” a book called “What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex”.  The best thing about this book though is - (SPOILER ALERT) - it’s blank.


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

An Apology on Behalf of My Mixed-Gender Ass

So as it turns out, I suck at consistency. But you know what I don’t suck at? Being lazy. I’m (un)surprisingly well accomplished in that field. Point in case: writing.

Alot of shit has been on my mind as of recent, and alot of shit on my mind often means two things: 1) I’ll write about the shit on my mind and 2) my mind stinks of shit. I have so many ideas and stuff I want to write about, but what I’ve written just never gets finished. Point in case #2: Uberman. You probably didn’t know (unless you knew me, were one of my many 0 friends, or you’re my most recent imaginary girlfriend) that I’m actually in the process of ‘leaving’ Uberman. I’ve written lengthy logs, documented progress, the works, but I never seem to actually ‘finish’ any of them. The reason for this is quite simple, and no, before you think “oh he’s about to pull out an excuse to cover his ass like a disgruntled vagina”, I’m not. Truth is, the dog ate it. No word of a lie. Also, how can an ass have a vagina?

Putting all wishfully abundant vaginas aside, it’s rather sad that I’m too occupied being non-occupied to complete alot of the stuff I have in the draft bay. I’m glad I was at least able to finish off this post befo-


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Youtube Comment of The Day

Ok, call me sad, but I often  find as much if not more entertainment in the comments section of Youtube videos than the video itself. So to honour those few genius who take their time to add to our amusement from afar, I've decided to dedicate this post, and possibly many others to come to the best most recently read  Youtube comments.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Quite Possibly The Greatest Moment In Fighting Game History

A fan of any fighting game (Street Fighter, Tekken, Marvel Vs. Capcom, ect.) has at least once in their gaming lifetime pulled off an unbelievable comeback. Whether it be against a human or AI, when the odds are so far up your ass that death itself is is standing beside your on-screen character - winning under such conditions deserves recognition. It gives us a sense of pride so strong in our abilites to precisely mash those buttons, that for a brief moment, we believe we are the greatest in the fighting universe. I'm sure fans of any fighting genre have experienced this. However, let me show you a video that will crush any future self confidence in any game you have played, ever.