Its a tough choice. Its not everyday you decide to spew random bullshit until your mind goes blank. Its kind of sweet, yet dangerous.
Moving on. I shall describe myself the way I always describe myslelf: through the medium of dance!!.
Well, not really. But I shall describe the epicness that is Pound Cake. Brace yourself. Its about to be unleashed. Ready? Ok. Here we go:
If you didn't find this video is funny. I have good terrible news for you:
You have a brain.
To summarize, I am a guy. A guy who would like some pound cake. That is my life goal. A pound cake. What is a pound cake you ask? A cake that costs a pound? A cake that weighs a pound? No. A pound cake is a cake that all human beings seek. It is a cake filled with happiness. A cake breaming with awesome. A cake overflowing with love. But most importantly: it is a cake that has no idea what it is talking about. (...?)
Ok. You are now leaving nonsense land. Thank fuck.
If you