Formalities of Progression
The truth is - I have a confession to make. Not only have I achieved an Uber-level over 9000 (And to all you noobz out there, that means that I’ve fully adapted. Here, save yourself further embarrassment and watch this, you’ll thank me later), but since roughly the 12th of June I had officially achieved complete Uberness. What’s surprising is I myself hadn’t noticed the change till recent, in fact, I found out rather spontaneously. Have you ever had a bad/annoying strain of hiccups that suddenly disappears without notice? Yeah, like that. One day as I was reading I thought; “Wait a second... I’m not sleepy!” That’s how I realized. I finally became an Uberman.
After realizing this, my first idea was to test my psychological and physical states while in Uber-mode, and so began a series of experiments where I assessed my boundaries and limits to observe (or suffer) the positive and negative effects that Uberman induces. I’ve been writing this post now for quite some time, and much of my results had to be omitted otherwise this post would be longer than the combined length of a Giraffe's tongue and an Elephants penis (...). So I apologize if I ever made you, my dear beloved reader, believe that I had died of sleep deprivation (I kid you not someone actually sent an email asking if I had died from sleep deprivation, oh how I feel the guiltiness right about now).