Sunday, 17 April 2011

I Would Like Some Pound Cake


I see, a screen... I see, a mouse... I see, many keys... Where am I?... What am I?... What am I typing?... Can you see me?... JESUS CHRIST AM I DEAD!!?


The above few lines roughly sum up my average day. Exciting right? No. As much as I would like to have my mind blown (no pun intend-...  hehehe, actually nvm leave it there) each and every single day, it would eventually become... not blown?!... 


After sampling a little snippet of my thinking process, I'm sure you're wondering what the hell you're doing here, and I'll tell you: You're bored. You are so bored you scour the internet in search of some random, lifeless activity to keep brain functionality above 0.00000001%. Whether that be engulfing in the evil that is Facebook, or staring into the endless void that is Youtube, you're bored. And when you're SO bored you cannot think of anything productive to do (i.e there isn't a over shadowing hand-in date for a massive pile of unfinished university coursework nervously staring at you in the middle of the night while emitting random squealing sounds), that's when you know its about time to start a blog.


Onwards. Now that you have discovered this blog, I shall now begin talking about myself. Firstly, I am a guy. A guy who would like some pound cake. That is my life goal. A pound cake. Hence the title. Pound cakes are amazing. What is a pound cake you ask? A cake that costs a pound? A cake that weighs a pound? No. A pound cake is a cake that all human beings seek. It is a cake filled with happiness. A cake breaming with awesome. A cake overflowing with love. But most importantly: it is a cake that has no idea what it is talking about. (..?)


Continuing from that of which where I had clearly noted and also most certainly defined and punctuated that I am of human descent yet more specifically of male type (...); I am a student. I currently study at the University of Abertay Dundee in Scotland, where I specialize in programming. More specifically programming for games. That is probably going to be the longest sentence I'm going to write that will not side track into something stupid. Like pound cake. But as we all know pound cake is most likely the greatest unknown creation man has ever known, therefore making it... un-stupid not stupid? (Never thought I'd see the day when strikethrough would actually have some minuscule reason for existence.)

 As you might have noticed, my mind wanders off often, too often, and recently its been getting worse. I figured that via writing down my thoughts, I would be able to limit my endless inner ramblings thus maintaining a proper image of outer-dialouge. If that makes sense. Recently I have found myself wandering into unknown lands even when shopping, I would stop and kind of mid-wonder while the clerk nervously pokes me with just the right amount of force for it not to be classified as the "wrong" poke, until I snap out of my subconscious testing process for one of my awesome-fail ideas.

So, here I am, and here you are, hoping that this blog will help empty out my brain-waste and dump it on the internet, because after all, the internet is the home of all kinds of waste. It's difficult for me sometimes to tell whether I am writing as a way of talking to myself, a form of subconscious medium. Every time I read at what I wrote just moments before I get the strangest feeling. The best way I can describe it is; "Am I talking to myself, or to you?" 


Before I depart, I must define that the way I write/format is the way everything is, I dare say, 'planned' out in my head. Kind of like a bookshelf, but not. Everything I say or do seems to be in this kind of layout, it feels strange looking at it now. As every thought tends to dissolve as I scrape to find it moments after. And with pound cake being the focal source of humour at this point in my time, I can see how it is somehow able to sneak into even the most serious of subjects. I wouldn't be surprised if pound cake was discovered to be the primary cure for cancer. Why? Simply because. How? Because it's pound cake... Bitch. 

Yet, seeing everything, flattened out, its strange - and I look to explore it. 

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Wow, the fact that you're even reading this pre-comment message makes me so happy inside.