Sunday, 17 April 2011

WBA Light Welterweight Title Match - Amir Khan Vs Paul McCloskey

For those of you who don't know - I am a huge boxing fan. And when a world title match turns the corner I get freakishly giggedy like a 12 year old girl staring at Justin Bieber images.

                                                             GIGGEDY! *Squeals*

Yesterday was the night of the Amir 'King' Khan Vs Paul McCloskey fight - a fight I had been eagerly anticipating for a while now. Being a student however often means I have to watch the majority of my sports at the loud and crouded student union, simply becuase I'm not wealthy enough to pay a fuckton of money just to watch one fight on some random PPV (Pay Per View) channel. That's where the internet comes in.

Sure, its not exactly the best quality, but at least I can watch the match for free in a  lovely pixelated resolution in the comfort of my home. Preceding this however is me scouring the internet and filtering through useless spammy blogs and links looking for a recording of the fight. Its a royal pain in the ass and on most occasions the uploads are so difficult to find it could take a good 30 minutes just to find someplace that hasn't been spunked on with ads and fake links. 

So, from now on, if a fellow boxing fan happens to stumble across this lonely blog of mine, I've done you the favour of finding a nice 2-part recording of last nights epic match and hopefully all other matches to come. Enjoy.

P.S - Luls at fail referee.

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Wow, the fact that you're even reading this pre-comment message makes me so happy inside.