Sunday, 13 May 2012

My Problem With MMO's

This is a long rant. If you’re looking for a summary of the following 2,274 words, consider this a favour:

· No real innovation in gameplay.
·  Mostly WoW clones.
·  Technology is stuck back in 2006-era.
·  F2P sucks.

Warning: the following text may contain copious amount of nerd-rage and small traces of ignorance. Viewer discretion is therefore not advised due to a complete lack of viewership to warn.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Crazy Bitches

So I put crazy bitches with less-crazy bitches and now there are more crazy
bitches being more bitch-crazy while you watch other crazy bitches, dawg.

So a number of videos have come to my attention recently featuring certain crazy bitches, and I believe that by the power of mockery, strategic internet harassment, and psychologically-targeted trolling, we may just may be able to rid the world of one more crazy bitch. Here goes nothing. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A Valentines Story

When does the good stuff start?

Only a handful of hours remain before Valentine ’s Day lands a left-hook to my unguarded, bruised loneliness, so I figured until then I’d fight to the very last minute, and write a nice little romance story  as a part of my three two-part Valentines Event. Because deep beneath my jaded outer shell beats the tender heart of a man. You chicks dig that, right?

Friday, 10 February 2012

A Guide to Surviving Valentines Day As a Pathetic Single Loser

 Ah, Valentine's Day. The most self-hate inducing holiday of the year, and just like the year previous, present, and (probably) next, I'm alone, surprising no-one. I'd like to say that it's because I have higher standards than everyone I will. It's because I have higher standards than everyone else.

These have nothing to do with it.
So I figured that because I haven't blogged in a while, and I need something to do with my many loneliness-filled hours, I would craft a magnificent Valentine's Event - three Valentine-themed blogs before Valentine's Day. So check back here over the next few days if you don't have anyone special in your life. And if you're reading this right now, that's pretty likely.

Anyway, for the days leading up to valentines day, I decided to lend some suggestions to my fellow gamers, anime watchers and other virgin stereotypes on how to occupy their time during this celebration of everything that they don't have.