Saturday, 28 May 2011

Becoming The Uberman - Day 6: "A Hint of Fail, A Dose of Win"

This is an on-going quest for uberness. If you haven't read any of my previous posts, you will have no idea what I'm talking about. Go here to see all the days gone by so far.


So far, there has been progression on both sides of the spectrum. On one side, blackouts have not only been cropping up in the morning but also during midday naps too. I also recall over-sleeping in the afternoon for a good 2 hours or so. This is bad. Very bad.

The key to achieving Uberman is repetition; it won't click unless you enforce a strict system, which is difficult when a nuclear bomb is about the only thing that forces me to blink. If you continuously over sleep your body won't know what the fuck you’re trying to teach it, it'll just try and sleep whenever it can, this then directly leads to blackouts and other nasty side effects. It’s not just a matter of staying awake, but trying to sleep and wake up at exactly the right time every day. The adaptation phase of Uberman is far more of a psychological barrier than a physical one. If you can scramble past those first few nights with perfect scores, results will almost instantly show.

I am not immune to any of what I have just said however; I have overslept and blacked out numerous times. Every time I over sleep, every time I press 'snooze' on my alarm, every time I decide to sleep in my bed, every time I put my head back down on that pillow; I have only lengthened my own sleep-deprived suffering. It’s purely a matter of willpower. And if one is ever able to achieve a feat such as Uberman, I can guarantee there’s little else in this world that will be as harsh a trial.
Do not question the Sheen. For since long pass he has possessed
utmost Uberness.
That’s as far as failing goes, but in terms of positive progression there is plenty. I am now frequently able to enter REM sleep while napping, this so far has occurred a maximum of 3 times throughout any one day. Each time I have entered into either a 'Lucid' (which I’ve mentioned before) or ‘Lifetime’ dream. A recent example of a Lifetime dream was when during one of my naps, I dreamt I was training in a monk temple while living in quiet uncharted oriental village, this felt like it lasted for a few years in dream-time (hence ‘Lifetime dream’). As usual I awoke with almost per-second recollection of that dream, it almost feels like my head is flooded with hordes of information/memory every time I wake up from a nap.

What’s interesting though is how easily influenced I can be while sleeping. For instance, the oriental dream occurred while I was napping at Zizo’s place. I woke and found myself listening to the same ‘background music’ as the one in the dream, which was some weird Chinese temple chimes music stuff/shit. I’m assuming this is what established the scene for my dream. Seeing as I slept with it constantly playing in the background, it would also explain why it wasn’t a lucid dream either, as the brain is still actively processing outside data while I’m napping, causing this processing  to creep into dreams without any real control over it’s source. I am very interested in exploring this; I’ll post my findings in my next log.

  • The usual sleep deprivation based effects... MULTIPLIED BY 10.
  • The most hellish periods are just before and just after naps (apart from REM naps). Trying anything to stay awake one minute then trying anything to wake up again is psychologically demanding.
  • Two types of dreams have been experienced so far during naps: ‘Lucid’ and ‘Lifetime’ dreams. Explained above.
  • Excitement when a nap approaches. Most likely due to sleep-deprivation madness.

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Wow, the fact that you're even reading this pre-comment message makes me so happy inside.